Today we are in Wainwright, specifically at Wallace Park, having a look at the M4A2 HVSS Sherman tank, also known as the Easy eight. In the 1940s the letter ‘E’ in the phonetic alphabet was known as ‘easy’ and the prototype vehicles testing the HVSS or horizontal volute spring system were designated E8.

The HVSS system was designed to improve the ride and stability of the Sherman tanks that had become heavier and due to increased armour and larger main guns. The tracks were widened and the bogie system was increased from two wheels to four.
Nicknamed “Catherine”, this tank was built in 1945 and weighs over 30 tonnes. It is one of the few remaining examples of the M4A2(76)W Sherman tank.
I have been led to believe the park was named after Sargent Thomas Wallace who was a member of the Alberta provincial police. He was involved in a gun battle with three murderers and was killed in the line of duty on October 7, 1935.